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I don't know, Nick. You're the accountant.
These books.
Yeah, I know.
Maybe, I'm not sure.
Hello, there! Excuse me! Excuse me, I just wonder if... Hello...
It'll be much different this time, Nick. Honestly. _____1_____. Yeah. OK. Alright. Well, I'll see you in an hour. OK. Bye. Now!
Those books, how much?
Those books. _____2_____.
Yes, Dickens. _____3_____.
They're real leather?
They're real Dickens.
_____4_____. Everything else in my house is real. Give you 200 for them.
200 what?
200 pounds.
_____6_____. Next!
Do eh.. Do you.. Hello!
Do you have The Little Book of Calm, I need The Little Book of Calm, do you have it? I need it. I'm late for work. Uh, Calm...
Er, is this it?
No, no, it's just...Too big, too big. Little... just little...Just more..
This one, this one?
No! No, calm. The Little Book of Calm.
Er, this? That's the one! Yes! Mon...Money..How much...
Two-fifty. Two-fifty. Could I...
I'll just get you a bag.
No, no no bag, I don’t need the bag. just the book! The book!
No! No, _____8_____. No, that's fine!
It's broken. I'll write one. Little...
I'll do it! Of Calm, two-fifty. Thank you.
Let-let-let go once in a while, _____9_____. Sorry. I hate my job.
What a strange man.
Right, the shop is closed! Everybody get out! Time to go home! Come on!
Yes, but it's my shop! Come on, go home! Bye-bye!
That's hardly fair.
It's not fair at all. Get out! Bye~ Bye~ Bye~
I expect better service...
Well, _____11_____. Get out! Bye-bye! Come on, _____12_____! Back on the streets! Come on! Bye-bye-bye! Goodbye! Thank you! Bye-bye-bye! Back to life. Back to reality. Thank you!



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