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        ❤ Tips  填写缺失部分 不用写序号和标点 一空一行 ヽ(.〃ζv〃)ノ 注意大小写哦~

Bernard, do you want this? Buy this?
What is it?
It's a thing.
Is it?
What does it do?
It's very in.
You don't know what it is, do you?
It's very now.
Listen, _____1_____? I have to see my accountant.
Bernard, _____2_____? Oh but, yeah, _____3_____. But you have to do the same for me the day after tomorrow.
OK. Why?
Well, you know my pal Julie?
Ugh. _____5_____. _____6_____ and eh...
No, I'll just get drunk. In fact, she'll be on drugs, I'll be drunk...it'll be just like the old days.
OK, well, have a nice time. Bye.
Hello? _____7_____, don't I?
So, _____8_____, Bernard.
This is March...to, er... Oobely-boo. This is... Misc...And-and-and the rest are,er... Other.
What? Other what? Other weeks? _____9_____, is it?
No. Other...times.So it goes This Week,very Recent, and...All Other Times.
You’re gonna help me out here, Bernard, I mean, what period does All Other Times cover?
I don't know, Nick! I'm not...Wonder Woman.
_____10_____, isn't it?
I'd go further than that, Nick. _____11_____. Except...No, it's the same. I mean, you know, _____12_____, Nick. I lied.
Well...Did you hear that?
What? What?
Oh, nothing. I mean, you're lucky I'm so _____13_____. Because a lot of other accountants might be a bit...Hello? Yes, Jane. Oh, right.OK, yeah, mm-hm. Alright, Bernard, _____14_____.
What, now?
Yeah, I’ll see you soon, all right? Bye.
The cat has left the basket. The cat has left the basket!



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