返回 【冰与火之歌】序曲(4/17)



The lordling seemed not to hear him. He studied the __(1)_ in that half-bored, half-distracted way he had. Will had ridden with the knight long enough to understand that it was best not to _(2)_ when he looked like that. "Tell me again what you saw, Will. All the details. Leave nothing out."
Will had been a hunter before he joined the Night’s Watch. Well, __(3)_ in truth. Mallister freeriders had caught him red-handed in the Mallisters' own wood, skinning one of the Mallisters' own bucks, and it had been a choice of __(4)_ or __(5)_. No one could move through the woods as silent as Will, and it had not taken the black brothers long to discover his talent.
"The camp is two miles farther on, _(6)__, hard beside a stream," Will said. "I got close as I dared. There's eight of them, men and women both. No children I could see. They put up a lean-to against the rock. The snow's pretty _(7)__ it now, but I could still _(8)__. No fire burning, but the firepit was still plain as day. No one moving. _(9)__."
"Did you see any blood?"
"Well, no," Will admitted.
"Did you see any weapons?"
"Some swords, a few bows. One man had an axe. Heavy-looking, double-bladed, a cruel piece of iron. _(10)_."


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