返回 【冰与火之歌】序曲(7/17)




He saw it clear enough, now that the lordling had __(1)_."They couldn't have froze. Not if the Wall was weeping. It wasn’t cold enough."
   Royce nodded. "Bright lad. We've had a few light frosts this past week, and a quick __(2)__now and then, but surely __(3)_ to kill eight grown men.Men clad in fur and leather,let me remind you, with shelter __(4)_, and the means of making fire." The knight's smile was cocksure. "Will, lead us there. I would see these dead men for myself."
    And then there was nothing to be done for it. The order had been given, and honor __(5)_.
    Will went in front, his __(6)_ picking the way carefully through the undergrowth. A light snow had fallen the night before, and there were stones and roots and hidden sinks lying just __(7)_, waiting for the careless and the unwary.Ser Waymar Royce came next, his great black destrier snorting impatiently. The warhorse was the wrong mount for ranging, but __(8)_ that to the lordling.__(9)_. The old man-at-arms muttered to himself as he rode.
   Twilight deepened. __(10)__. The stars began to come out. A half-moon rose. Will was grateful for the light.


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