返回 【熟女镇】S01E05-4 Jules的公共接吻



You remind me of the Statue of David. He's nud.
Barb. _________1___________?
Oh kitten, don't you know you should never leave your luggage unattended?
All right, keep it moving. Okay, let's both just try to ____2______.
I can't.
All right, ________3______. I've been doing some soul searching. And I am in.
But first, can we talk about the way you kiss?
Say what now?
You open the door by bringing up the kissing, And, well, honestly, I've been ______________4_________.
Huh. Good.
_______________5________ Seriously, kudos. However... All right. Pretend this is my mouth, okay? You wanna use less tongue. You're not a cow at a salt lick. You know, that's just so sloppy. No one wants that. Now pretend that you're a curious little garden snake.  
I got this, I got this, okay.
Okay, and your tongue peeks in... gets spooked and then it's out. That's it. Okay, now ____7________. No, no, no no, no cow. Little garden snake. Little snake. Work it, oh, there you go. Okay.
Hi, mom.
Hi, Travis! My goodness, this is my friend Josh. He is weird.
He does. Anyway, just saw you, wanted to say hi. Uh, but now I don't. ________8_______.
What? Interrupt what? Travis?
Bye, mom. Good luck with that apple, Josh.

上期回顾:【熟女镇】S01E05-3 Grayson和Bobby打高尔夫球


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