返回 【十年纪】2005 断背山




本段选自:艾尼斯(Ennis Del Mar )和杰克(Jack Twist )在断背山(Brokeback Mountain)下的一段爱的争吵


听力形式:听写填空 不用写序号,不用标标点,注意大小写哦~

E:You got a better idea?
J:I did, once.

E:You did, once. Have you been in Mexico, Jack Twist? ‘cause I hear what they got in Mexico for [-----1-----].
J:Hell yes, I’ve been in Mexico. Is that a [-----2-----].

E:I’m gonna tell you this one time, Jack fucking Twist. And I ain’t fooling…What I don’t know, all them things that I don’t know…I could get you killed if I come to know them. I ain’t joking.
J:Well try this one...and I’ll say it just once…

E: [-----3-----]...
J:I tell you what...we could had a good life together, fucking real good life. Had us a place of our own…But you didn’t want it, Ennis! So what we got now is [-----4-----]! Everything’s built on that! That’s all we got, boy…Fucking all! So I hope you know that, if you don’t never know the rest!

E:God damn it…
J:You count the damn few times…that we have been together in [-----5-----], and you measure the short fucking leash you keep me on…and then you ask me about Mexico. And then you tell me you kill me for needing something that [----6-----]. [-----7-----]…And I’m not you. I can’t…make it on a couple of high-altitude fucks…once or twice a year…You are too much for me, Ennis…Son of a horsing bitch. [-----8-----]…

E:Well, why don’t you? Why don’t you just [-----9-----], huh? It’s because of you, Jack, that I’m like this…I’m nothing…I’m nowhere. Get the fuck off me!
J:It’s all right, it’s all right…Damn you, Ennis…

E:I just can’t stand this [-----10-----], Jack.



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