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Scientists have a new theory about the rise of the dinosaurs: they think dinosaurs were lucky.

EarthSky's Lindsay Patterson spoke to Steve Brusatte, a Ph.D. student at Columbia University and the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Lindsay, why does he say dinosaurs were "lucky"?

Dinosaurs were lucky enough to survive a [-----1-----] at the end of the Triassic period. At the time, they were in direct [-----2-----] with Crurotarsans, or ancient crocodiles. And compared to the dinosaurs, crurotarsans were more diverse and more adapted, but for some reason, the dinosaurs survived this extinction event and crurotarsans didn't. You could call that luck, but it [-----3-----] in the age of dinosaurs.

I call that luck. What about competition and evolution?

Brusatte said that if we were standing in the Late Triassic and I asked him who would come out on top, he would have bet on the crurotarsans. There must have been a feature that helped the dinosaurs survive, but his study shows that they were not [-----4-----] superior. So if there wasn't an unexpected mass extinction event about 200 million years ago, we might not think dinosaurs were so special.

So what's the bottom line?


Thanks, Landsay. I'm Deborah Byrd and we're EarthSky, a clear voice for science.
We're at EarthSky.org.



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