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THOMAS: If you go back in history though -- let's start with Brown versus Board of Education, 1954, and go back to the rulings on prayer and Bible reading in the public schools in the early '60s, and even Roe versus Wade in the early '70s, one of the most controversial rulings ever,(1)_____________________ . I think that is what is unprecedented.
COLMES: Why is it always the media's faults when things don't go conservative's way? It's always the media's fault.
THOMAS: I did not say it's the media's fault. It's an observation.
COLMES: And somebody --
THOMAS: That's a fact.
COLMES:(2)_____________________. Right?
THOMAS: Well, you don't think he's seducible?
PINKERTON: Again, we're not --
PINKERTON: Cal, kind of, kind of jump on people. Look,(3)___________________. It's the carrot and stick --
PINKERTON: Justice Rehnquist got a bad press all his career because he was a conservative. And Earl Warren, I mentioned last week, and other Supreme Court justices, including Harry Blackmon, on the Roe versus Wade decision, (4)___________________ as far as --
COLMES: It's always the conservatives that put upon by the evil liberal media. You know --
THOMAS: You've got it right finally.
PINKERTON: Or ex-conservatives rewarded by --
COLMES: And the liberals are always won rewarded. (5)_____________________.
THOMAS: Exactly.


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