返回 【FOX新闻】奥巴马发表2013年国情咨文(7/7)



SCOTT: Right. Sharija Cobas, an opinion columnist for The Hill tweeted this, he said, Hispanic Republican senator drinks water on TV and media demolishes him. Hispanic Democrat Senator Menendez,___________________1__________________ . Does she have a point?
POWERS: Well, I think this gets more to just how they can't cover anything of substance, because the reality with Menendez is there's a lot of substance that needs to be covered. I'm not even getting into the issues with underage prostitutes, which I still think it's unclear what went on there. But the stuff that is clear they don't want to cover, but they want to cover someone taking a sip of water. I mean I know, I actually didn't see it live and I watched it the next day and I sat there the whole time thinking what, I don't understand that. 

SCOTT: In the meantime he did make the cover of Time magazine, which put him on there and called him "___________________3__________________." Jim?

PINKERTON: Well, nothing like the expectations game.
SCOTT: I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity.



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