返回 【广告狂人】S01E01(8) 我对主妇们可没什么兴趣



S: So what Don is saying is that through a variety of media, including a spot during the Danny Thomas Show, if you can afford it, we could really boost awareness.
D: Then, a 10% off coupon in select ladies' magazines will increase your first-time visitors. [00:14]    1     
R: Mr. Draper, our store is 60 years old. We share a wall with Tiffany's. Honestly, a coupon?
D: Miss Menken, coupons work. I think your father would agree with the strategy.
R: [00:32]    2     So I suppose what I think matters most right now.
C: Miss Menken, why did you come here? [00:45]    3     
R: If I wanted some man who happened to be from the same villiage as my father to manage my account, I could have stayed where I was. [00:58]    4     
S: It's not just research, Miss Menken. [01:03]    5     
R: I'm not interested in housewives.
D: What kind of people do you want?
R: I want your kind of people, Mr. Draper. [01:12]    6     People who are coming to the store because it is expensive.
D: We obviously have very different ideas.
R: Yes, like the customer is always right? [01:25]    7      Sterling Cooper has a reputation for being innovative.
D: Miss, you are way out of line.
S: Don, please. Let's not get emotional here. [01:35]    8     
D: Talk out what? This silly idea that people are gonna come to some store they've never been to because it's more expensive?
R: It works for Chanel.
D: Menken's is not Chanel.
R: [01:46]    9     
C: What Don's saying is, Chanel is a very different kind of place. It's French, it's continental, it's...
R: Not just another Jewish department store?
C: Exactly.
R: You were right, Roger. [01:59]    10     
D: This is ridiculous.
S: Don.
D: I'm not gonna let a woman talk to me like this. This meeting is over. Good luck, miss Menken.


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