返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E01-1S & B 在巴黎


S & B的巴黎之旅,看来她们玩的很开心噢,魅力四射!

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GG: Nothing beats a summer abroad, but when traveling far from home, [---1---] Cobblestones and caf? De flore.
Serena's locked down the left bank and become a muse to us all. Meanwhile, Blair rules the right bank.
Storming the shops and consuming the classics and sampling sugary snacks like a modern Marie Antoinette.
But we hear serena's stories sizzle. While Blair's are more fizzle. She shopped at saint laurent and dined at drouant but the only beau B.had this summer is on her headband.
S: Your cute waiter gave me his number. Blair,what are you doing? We said we wouldn't check "gossip girl" all summer.
B: [---2---]
S: So what does it say about Chuck?
B: I couldn't be less interested. [---3---] He's been M.I.A.since
he left town in spring.
S: And what does it say about us?
B: Paris is burning, and serena and blair lit the match.
Of course,your flame is hotter than mine. Everyone knows that the only guy who's been in my pants all summer is the tailor at pierre balmain.
S: [---4---]? Just as many guys have flirted with you.
I just happen to have a thing for French waiters.
B: And bartenders and museum docents, anyone on a vespa or bicycle, or wearing zadig & voltaire.


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