返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E01-2B和王子的约会



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L: And the guards at the casino were charging on us.
J: $1000 chips wereg everywhere.
L: Everywhere. Then a guard grabbed me by my belt and dragged me out to the street.
J: [---1---]
S: My gosh.
B: Sure. But enforcing strict standards of dress is essential for maintaining the decorum of an event.
[---2---] Men's formalwear hasn't changed hardly in over a hundred years. And it's not just a symbol of class.
Owning a tuxedo shows the world
that a man has enough means
To marry and provide a
future for his family.
S: Blair,are you okay?
B: It's my mother calling from new york.
I should take this.I'm fine.
S: So who wants a bite of her dessert?
B: What is it, mother? I can't talk long. I'm on a date.
E: Blair,you sound irritated. Are you okay?
B: [---3---]? So what if serena always gets the prince  and I get the pauper? Being jealous of her is totally constance, and i've moved on.
E: Well,that's wonderfully mature, dear. [---4---] Now that she's going to be at columbia.
B: What? Serena's going to Columbia?


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