返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E05-1B的反常表现,难道已经摆脱了C?



<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
S: B., uh, can I talk to you for a minute? I need advice.
B: Yes. Five paces behind for privacy. [---1---]
How are you? I've barely seen you all week.
S: Uh, I've been great. You know, with Dan and Nate behind me,
I really feel like I can bury the old me and start a new.
B: May you rest in peace.
S: The only problem is, I've been late for my English lit class a few times, and lates count as absences, which is 10%--
B: Oh, if only there were a device of some kind to keep the time.
S., [---2---] College professors have a god complex, so just meet with him and say you're sorry. [---3---]
S: Who taught you that? One of your Asian "Art of war" gurus?
B: Martha Chamberlin. She's guest lecturing a series called
the psychology of business. I'm heading to the registrar's to sign up.
S: Oh, I love her. B., how do you do it? Chuck declares war, and you simply up your class load.
B: [---4---] Chuck is allergic to education and bettering himself.
S: Well, I'm not, so if I'm gonna work on my new self, I should head to the library. Sign me up for Martha's class. We'll go together.


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