返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E06-2Chuck的攻势


Chuck 说:“看到你受辱没,名誉扫地,真是大快人心”,他请来了J来对付B,也许这么做真的有些过了。

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>英文:
J: We'll see who's in trouble.
E: Jenny. Jenny, whatever you're thinking of doing--
J: They won't stop. Why should I?
B: Move! I have a Humphrey to squash.
C: Looking to paint the town red? I don't know what you've heard, but it isn't your concern. Unless... It is. [---1---], haven't you? You got Jenny the interview with Tim Gunn, and you made sure that your friend-with-no-benefits stopped by the Empire just to defy me.
C: I told you I wouldn't rest until you were destroyed.
Inviting your old sparring partner back was just my way of avoiding doing all the dirty work myself. Jenny always had a talent for making your life a living hell.
B:[---2---] Bringing Jenny back puts both of our reputations at risk.
C: I love to watch you squirm. The pleasure I get from witnessing your shame is considerable. [---3---] She thinks she's above it all, but little Humphrey still cares what people think.
GG: Looks like New York's best kept secret is finally out. Turns out little J. Didn't lose her v. Card to Damien Dalgaard.
She waited and chucked it away with her stepbrother. Guess that explains the humphrey in Hudson. Hell hath no fury like a Waldorf scorned.
B: It's obviously not true. Jenny put out the blast so that... She would humiliate me. Tell them that she's lying.
J: [---4---], Blair. Everyone knows I did and who I gave it to.
Hints: Jenny
(这篇有点儿难度,大家仔细点听o(∩_∩)o )


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