返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E09-1姜还是老的辣


姜还是老的辣,这话用在Lily身上绝对很合适,一起看她是如何摆平Dean Reuther的。

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
L: Dean Reuther, I'm sorry you have to disrupt your day
with such trivial matters.
R: [---1---], Mrs. Humphrey. I'm sure you saw the wall of paparazzi at the campus gates. Well, [---2---], none of us is interested in this kind of media attention.
L: I hope you'll let our family make it up to you with an endowment. Maybe you could use it to build a moat around the school, [---3---]
R: The only thing I'd like from your family is to withdraw your daughter from our university.
S: What? Over a gossip column?
R: Hundreds of parents have called,  concerned about teachers. I'm sorry, Serena. [---4---] It's no longer just your education that's being disrupted.
L: Well, I'm sure you've realized that Serena was accepted
at other ivy league institutions.
S: Mom, please.
R: Well, getting out of the city is probably your best course of action. We can refund her tuition, and I am happy to facilitate a transfer.
L: [---5---] Serena chose Columbia.
And despite your judgment, she is the victim here.
And I'm sure "The times" would love to do an article About a Dean who tolerates professors in power positions
exploiting female students.
R: Well, I hope you'll consider my offer.
hints: trivial


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