返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E14-1孤立无援的Ben



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S: Yeah, I came by to check on Eric with my mom away, I knew he wouldn't run into her. But turns out he's gone, too. [---1---]?
D: Oh, no, thanks. I already had breakfast with my new roommate Ben.
S: That he deserves a second chance.
D: Oh, to what, to drug you and leave you for dead in a motel room again?
S: That wasn't Ben. That was Juliet, and you know it. And now she's off doing independent study somewhere, and I don't even think they talk anymore.
D: Look, I understand that you feel badly about what happened
and what lily did, but you can't forget that this guy spent the past six months out to get you.
S: Ben was a good guy before all this happened, and if you kept an open mind, you'd see that he still is. [---3---]
D: Oh. Wow.  
S: What?
D: You have feelings for this guy.
S: No. Not that it's any of your business. [---4---] He's made it perfectly clear he wants nothing to do with me. I haven't even heard from him since the "W" Party.

hints: berry, Ben


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