返回 【绯闻女孩】S04E15-2情人节之夜



<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
B: Thanks for comin'. I should've told you I was waitering. I should have owned it.
S: Well, I should've given you the chance and not put words in your mouth.
B: Hey. It's still Valentine's Day for... another ten minutes.
Maybe we can share'em together? [---1---]
S: Sounds great... except for the beer part.
It's Valentine's Day. We should have champagne.
B: Well, have you ever heard of a black velvet?
That is champagne mixed with beer.
S: Uh, delicious... or not.
B: Serena.
#With you, I'm brighter# #My eyes.I just came over to thank you for saying all those nice things to us the other night...#
B: [---2---], paranoia can save your life.
D: Oh, so she was supposed to know that her husband was gonna sell their firstborn to a coven?
B: [---3---] I mean, who eats unsolicited desserts?
D: Mm, point taken. The -- the mousse was creepy. Do you know how many gloves I've lost on the subway?
B: Well, you do often seem cursed.
D: I do, don't I?
GG: [---4---]

hints: naive, candy coat


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