返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s01e03-2



      机场, 竟然是机场? 他们到底怎样在机场把妹呢?

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>

Barney: Okay, we just do this one little thing and the rest of the night is ours.
Ted: Why do you have those suitcases and who are we picking up?
Barney: I don't know. Maybe her. Or her.
Ted: Wait. So, ____1____
Barney: Scenario. Couple of girls fly into town looking for a fun weekend in NYC when they meet two handsome international businessmen just back from a lucrative trip to Japan. Sample dialog. You have a wheelie bag? Wow, I have a wheelie bag.
Ted: ____2____
Barney: False. Sidebar. Tuck in your shirt. You look sketchy.
Ted: I'm sketchy?
Barney: Trust me, it's gonna be legendary.
Ted: Don't say legendary, okay? ____3____
Barney: We're building an igloo in Central Park.
It's gonna be legendary. Snowsuit up!
Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted. Right here! This is happening. Now, you can either put the bags on the carousel now or you can listen to me give you a really long speech convincing you to put the bags on the carousel. Your move.
Barney: Ted, since the dawn of time, mankind has struggled...

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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