返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】失恋后的单身生活,巴尼叔带马修泡妞(3/3)


So Uncle Marshall and Uncle Barney went out on a double date with the twins.

Barney: How you doing?
Marshall: Great. Amazing. This is so much fun. And I think me and the girl are really clicking.
Barney: You are, you definitely are. Listen, you're going to have to leave now. I just talked with the twins, and get this, I'm going home with both of them. Yeah. That's happening.
Marshall: It is impossible that you're doing this to me again.
Barney: But they're twins.
Marshall: You-- you said to me that being single would be like being in a candy store.
Barney: Well, it's not, it's not like a candy store. It's a lawless, postapocalyptic wasteland. I may be your best friend...
Marshall: Actually Ted's my best friend.
Barney: But in this world, it's every hombre for himself. That's what being single is. ___(填填看,一句话,首字母大写)___ Now, if you'll excuse me... I have two unique breasts and two duplicates waiting for me.
Barney: Oh, bad news-- Marshall got food poisoning.
Twins: What? Oh, no. That's too bad. I really liked him.
Barney: Yeah. well, I guess we're just a threesome tonight.


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