返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E13-part4 不可思议的杀人凶手



-Kahn: What?
-Reynolds: What do you mean what? This is what you used to plant the bombs in. I talked to the Imam. And every family that belongs to that mosque had 1__________ to one of these. You put the explosives in the bottom of the canister. And the coins acted as the shrapnel.
-Lightman: That thought you had...that thought right there…2__________ you. You're not behind this, are you? But you know who is.  
-Lightman: Mr. Kahn...is it someone closes to you? Someone you saw with these canisters?
-Kahn: It couldn't be. No.
-Lightman: Who couldn't it be?
-Kahn: What if you're wrong? What will they do to him? What would happen? You 3__________ my son of being a murderer. You 4______ our mosques. You...
-Reynolds: Mr. Kahn, there are bombs in our streets. Many, many more people will die. You have to tell us.
-Lightman: Don't do it for us. Do it for your son. Do it for all the other children who are going to die 5___________ deaths in other people's wars. Do it for your son.
-Kahn: that recording that you have of me…
-Reynolds: Yes.  
-Kahn: I was scolding him. I thought he was taking the cans for the coins. I 6___________ him. I thought he was trying to steal the money. I brought him here from Jordan. How could he do this to my son?
-Lightman: It was your nephew.



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