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-Foster: Do you believe that Jamie Cowley is a 1_________?
-Catherine: I was 19 and a 2________ when I met him. Jamie was handsome, and... He cleaned me up. He'll keep my kids. And I cannot lose my babies.
-Eli: Look, I hate to bring up the obvious. We have to report her to the IRS. She clearly doesn't believe in the church. Her home is registered as a place of worship.
-Foster: Yeah. Only because Cowley makes her.
-Eli: Well, that's 3_______. We just report the facts.
-Foster: Ok. Ok. Fact, we tell the government, she is arrested for 4____________. Fact, she'll lose her children. Fact, I'm not about to serve her up when I can deliver Cowley instead.
-Eli: Fact, I'm not going to lie to the federal government about our findings.
-Foster: I'm not going to lie. I'm going to tell them exactly what's going on there. Laws are being violated. We need to get those kids out of there.
-Eli: So you're just suggesting another WACO. You just 5___________ the door and...
-Foster: Women and children, who're just too scared to leave...
-Eli: Well, they're not just going to go in there and round them up. We were hired to pursue the tax fraud angle. Let's do our job.
-Foster: Except Cowley believes his 6___________. They won't be able to prosecute. All we'll get is maybe a few scared women.
-Eli: Then that's all we'll get.



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