返回 【kaka礼节美语】183 申请签证 2


王小姐到美国使馆签证,签证官Bob Jones受理她的申请,Bob得知王小姐是研究古迹的专家后,觉得这个行业很有意思。

B: Wow, that sounds like an interesting line of work. I see here you are a citizen of People's Republic of China.

W: That's correct.

B: According to United States law, I'm required to ask you some reasonably personal questions. ---1---.

W: No problem. Ask away.

B: ---2---? I'll need to see a bank statement.

W: Yes. I remembered to bring my bankbook. Here you are.

签证官Bob说,王小姐从事的行业似乎很有意思,line of work,指的是工作,行业。签证官Bob说,他要问王小姐一些个人问题,these are formalities. Formalities,意思是必要的形式。首先,签证申请人要证明自己的 financial stability,经济实力。

B: ---3---?

W: Absolutely not.

B: Do you have a criminal record in China?

W: No. Not even a parking ticket.

B: Ok...now I'm going to ask you sign a statement that affirms everything you just told me. If you sign this document, it's legally considered the same as swearing an oath in court. ---4---?

W: I do.

签证官问王小姐是否参与过恐怖活动,be involved with,意思是参与,涉及。签证官又问,do you have a criminal record in China? 在中国有没有犯罪记录。王小姐回答说,她连违章停车的罚单都没吃过。违章停车的罚单在英语里叫parking ticket. 签证官最后让王小姐在一份文件上签字,保证自己所说的一切属实。

B: Then please sign here. Thank you. Now I must inform you that anyone applying for a visa to the United States is required to have their fingerprints taken.

W: That's not a problem. So...---5---.

B: The processing time is usually about 5 days. If there is some problem, you'll get a call or an email.

W: Excellent. Thank you for your assistance Mr. Jones, you've been a great help.

B: Not at all...just doing my job. Enjoy your trip to the United States.

W: I certainly will!

王小姐签好字,还要做指纹取样,按签证官说的,anyone applying for a visa to the United States is required to have fingerprints taken. 凡是申请入境美国签证的人,都要提取指纹。

王小姐问签证申请几天才会有结果,签证官回答说,The processing time is about 5 days,办理签证大约要五天的时间,如果有问题,会电话或是电邮通知申请人,签证官最后还预祝王小姐去美国旅程顺利。


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