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This Day in History - February 7th, 1964
Starring - The Beatles

In 1964, The Beatles [-----1-----]. On February 7th, 1964, the Beatles exported themselves to the United States. “I Want to Hold Your Hand” was already number one on the U.S. charts, when 25,000 fans and [-----2-----] welcomed them at New York's Kennedy Airport. (A reporter asks) – "When you arrived at the airport, and there were only nine girls waiting to meet you, were you disappointed, and do you think that's a reflection of a loss of popularity in this country?" (John replies) -"Yeah, [-----3-----]." (Paul replies) - "Really disappointed!" (laughter) Traffic had to be blocked off around Carnegie Hall when the Fab Four played two [-----4-----] performances that could scarcely be heard above the screams of [-----5-----]. They made their TV debut on Ed Sullivan and soon had the five top hits in the nation.


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