返回 气象专家欲援助非洲脑脊膜炎多发带 (1)




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Bacterial meningitis must be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible or the infection can cause hearing loss and bring damage. It also can kill. The world's largest recorded outbreak took place so long Africa so called " meningitis belt " in 1996 and 97. More than 250,000 people got sick. 25,000 of them died. This area where outbreaks take place from time to time expands from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east. Leaders of nations along the " meningitis belt " agreed in September to support a campaign to protect their populations with a new vaccin. The hope is to immunize 250,000,000 people by the year 2015. The World Health Organization will provide technically with the new vaccin. The program also will get help from weather experts. 1 of the partners in the is the National Center for admasfary research in the American State of Colorado. The center will make long term weather predictions along the " meningitis belt" . Local health officials then can plan the best times to vaccinate people. The disease strikes often during dry, dusty weather.
听写于:2009/1/2 21:46:50 用时:28:05
正确率:91% 错词:

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