返回 【美语情景对话】非洲生活



Todd: OK, Leath, you're from Zimbabwe. Could you talk about that?
Leath: Yeah, OK. Well, I'm from Harare, which is the capital of Zim. And I was born there. My folks are British. My dad is from Manchester and my mom is from Scotland. They went out a long time ago. And, yeah, growing up in Zimbabwe was "lacker" as we say there. That means really cool in Africans. It was like,1.____________(只有1个飘号). Well at least it was. Today it's not doing too well because the economies trashed, but growing up there was really slick.
Todd: Wow! What animals could you see?
Leath: Ah, just about an hour's drive out of any city, 2._________________________________________ (3个句号、2个飘号、1个逗号). In certain areas you'll have to stop for elephants. This's quite a few buck warning signs because they are actually quite dangerous at night. They jump across the road and your cars hit them at windscreen height. It is a bit of a problem. So, there's buck everywhere. And then away from residential areas, there's you know your big five, rhino, lion being the most... well interesting and I guess for foreigners. They are never really never around human settlement cause they are very very dangerous. They do take people from time to time.
Todd: Wow! That's fascinating. Thanks a lot Leath.
Leath: You're welcome buddy! OK.


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