返回 【美语三级跳】找房C-1





Professor: Jeff just rented an apartment, and today he is meeting Steve to see if they would get along as roommates.


Professor: In this section, listen for the word "compatible," __________________________.

Jeff: Hi Steve, it's nice to meet you. I hear that you're looking for an apartment, and I just rented a two-bedroom downtown. ________________________.

Steve: Great, I'm looking for a place right in that area. ______________________________.

Jeff: Alright. So tell me, how would you describe yourself?

Steve: ______________________________.

Jeff: I'm like that too. I like to invite friends over sometimes, but I don't want to have lots of crazy parties at the apartment.

他们俩人听起来挺投机。不过,Professor Bowman, Steve说自己不是"party animal"是什么意思?

Professor: ________________________.

哦,party animal就是一天到晚参加疯狂派对的人。

Steve 说自己outgoing“外向”,social“爱交朋友”,但没到每天开派对的地步。

Professor: Winnie, in the next section, listen for the word "laid-back."

Jeff: You know, ______________________________. For example, I like to keep the apartment clean too, but if it gets a little dirty once in a while, that's not a big deal.

Steve: I totally agree. I really like my lifestyle to be drama-free, and I don't want to argue about cleaning the apartment. My last roommate was a drama queen. ___________________.

Jeff: Yeah, I really don't want a lot of drama in the apartment. It's important that we don't get on each other's nerves.

Steve: That's right. _____________________________.


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