返回 【妙招大看台】如何挣100万美元?



You don’t need a winning lottery ticket, a brilliant business idea, or even a good income to make a million dollars; you just need to know how regular folks managed to do it.
You will need: a college education, your own business, a strict budget, discipline, investments, real estate and perseverance.
Optional: a modest home.
Step 1:
Get an education; 80 percent of millionaires are college graduates: 18 percent have master’s degrees, 8 percent law degrees, 6 percent medical degrees, and 6 percent PhDs.
Step 2:
Start a company. 2/3 of U.S. millionaires are self-employed. __________; it just needs to be profitable.
Step 3:
Purchase a modest home — one that costs no more than twice your taxable income. Consider taking in roommates so they can help pay off the mortgage. __________
Learn how to do home repairs so you don’t have to pay others to do them.
Step 4:
Live below your means — way below. Lots of people have managed to become millionaires on a modest income — some have even done it earning not much more than minimum wage. __________
Step 5:
Carefully invest at least 15 percent of your taxable income in publicly traded stocks and mutual funds, and reinvest whatever profit or dividends those investments earn. The same goes for your business: plow profits back into your business so you can hopefully earn even more money.
Step 6:
_________: almost anyone can make a million dollars if they’re committed to a long-term plan.
Did you know? Americans of Russian ancestry have the highest concentration of millionaire households in the United States.


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