返回 【妙招大看台】如何为狗狗选择名字?



Find the perfect handle that will suit your four-legged friend for years to come with these tips.
You will need: a new dog and list of your top 5 names.
Step 1: [-------1-------] You might consider Fritz for a German shepherd or Riley for an Irish setter.
Step 2: [-------2-------] Princess seems perfect for a spoiled lap dog. And Bandit is fit for a dog that takes things that don’t belong to him.
Step 3: [-------3-------] Bear suits a large, stocky canine, while Smokey or Shadow are a good names for dark-colored dogs.
You can also choose a name that is the opposite of their main physical traits, like Killer if your dog is a toy breed.
Step 4: [-------4-------] Bonnie and Clyde or Ben and Jerry are examples.
Step 5: [-------5-------] Refrain from embarrassing or overly long monikers. Something that is one or two syllables is best.
Step 6: Make a list of your top 4 or 5 names and try them out on your dog to test which one you both respond to the most.
Did you know? U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt had at least 7 dogs, including an English sheepdog named Tiny.


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