返回 【妙招大看台】在餐馆酒吧给多少小费合适?




Don't get indigestion trying to figure out who to tip the next time you dine out. Rely on these guidelines from etiquette experts.

Step 1:
Remember that tipping is voluntary –[-------1-------]On the other hand, don't forget that many workers rely on tips to supplement low hourly wages, so don't stiff someone for no reason.
Step 2
Tip your server 15 to 20 percent of the bill before tax – less if your service was unsatisfactory. If a sommelier helped you choose wine, tip them 10 percent of the cost of the wine or $20, whichever is less. No need to tip at a buffet unless a server brought you something, in which case 10 percent of the bill is sufficient.
Voice your concerns to the restaurant manager instead.
Step 3:
Don't try to bribe the maitre d' in the hopes of getting a table without a reservation or cutting the line; it's considered bad manners, especially if you're obvious about it. But you _can_ slip them a little something to try to ensure good service. And it's perfectly fine to reward the host with a $10 or $20 "[-------3-------]" on your way out.
The trick to greasing a palm is to pass a folded bill, with the denomination visible, out of the sight of other patrons.
Step 4:
Give $1 per coat to the coatroom attendant unless there's a fee, in which case there's no need to tip. Tip the restroom attendant at least 50 cents for each visit.
Step 5:
If in a bar, tip the bartender or cocktail server $1 per drink or 15 percent of the tab, whichever is less. Tip a bit more if the bartender had to make drinks involving blenders or shakers. And tip even if it's an open bar.
Step 6:
When traveling outside the U.S., check what is customary before dining out. Some countries automatically add a service charge to restaurant bills; others expect far less than the 15 to 20 percent that is the norm in the U.S. And in a few places, like Japan,



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