返回 【妙招大看台】如何写演讲稿




We all imagine standing before an audience and finally being heard. If you want your words to have relevance and resonance, take the time to craft a proper message people will remember.

Step 1:
Research and master your subject, whether for class, a student council speech, a wedding toast, a personal statement, or a business lecture. [-------1-------]
Because speeches are always situational and sometimes personal, there is no absolutely correct way to write one, but there are plenty of ways to write badly.
Step 2
Find the simplest vivid language to make a point.
Include everyone in your message, so all feel engaged.
Step 3:
Outline information according to how you build your argument or present a clear chronology or sequence. Introduce yourself with a brief pertinent biographical profile and define your subject and purpose.
Step 4:
Write the speech without stopping, second-guessing, or editing to get your thoughts out on paper. Don't worry about the length or timing just yet.
Step 5:
Detail the middle of your speech with steps or progressions that advance your message, using logical transitions. Illustrate each point with factual support and avoid repitition.
Step 6:
Your job is to give a fair and full accounting and allow your audience to decide.
Step 7:
Edit your draft thoroughly and ask a trusted but critical friend to critique a near-final draft. Read your written speech aloud to eliminate useless information or jokes that looked good on paper but flop when spoken.
Step 8:
Make sure you end with a point that wraps things up, [-------4-------]



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