返回 【妙招大看台】如何让你的魅力无可阻挡




You don’t have to be tall, dark, handsome, and rich to be a ladies’ man. Just learn to recognize what women want.

Step 1:
[-------1-------] Men who are surrounded by attentive ladies instantly become more attractive to other women.
Be macho if you want to play the field, but find your sensitive side if you’re looking for true love.
Step 2
Pay your lady lots of compliments –[-------2-------]
Step 3:
Learn to tell a joke. A whopping 93% of women are looking for a guy who can make them laugh.
Step 4:
Whenever you’re together, give her your undivided attention. Who doesn’t love to be the center of attention?
Step 5:
Always pick up the check—and for goodness’ sake don’t dither about it. Women love a guy who “automatically” pays for dinner.
Step 6:
If you’re not yet a homeowner, work toward that goal. Research shows that a man who owns a home is five times more attractive than one who doesn’t.
Step 7:
Show your fondness for children. Research shows that—not surprisingly—women are drawn to men who seem like they’d be good dads.
Step 8:
Most women prefer “toned” guys over muscle-bound hulks.
Step 9:
Be faithful. For most women, [-------4-------] health, wealth, and social status – every time.



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