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Seinfeld's George Costanza built a bed under his desk, but we'll tell you how to be a bit more subtle.

Step 1:
[-------1-------]—your office or cubicle, the backseat of your car, an underused conference room, the mailroom, under your boss's desk when they're away
Major cities like New York now have nap pods that you can rent for brief snoozes.
Step 2
Consider options outside your workplace: a department store with a nice lounge, the local library, a nearby park in nice weather. Just remember to keep your valuables under wraps or you could wake to a lighter wallet.
If you're going to sleep at your desk, slap on some big headphones and turn your chair away from visitors; people will be less likely to interrupt if they think you're listening to something.
Step 3:
Take your power nap between 1:00 and 3:00, when energy levels are at their lowest.
If you're a light sleeper, try snoozing under your desk. If you hear someone coming, just jump up and say thank God you found your contact lens, earring, whatever.
Step 4:
Set an alarm. [-------3-------]
Step 5:
[-------4-------]so you don't arrive at a meeting with bed head and chin drool.



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