• 演讲精选集
  • 世界名人在世界名校演讲的经典之作。对于语言学习者来说,多听多看多练英语演讲是学地道英语的最佳有效途径之一哦!
  • √ 已订阅  |  取消
  • 分 类: 实用 / 演讲
  • 难 度: 中级
  • 状 态: 暂停更新
  • 均用时: 21分57秒
  • 均得分: 65.94%


[生活] 【TED演讲精选集】沉默之害(3)

"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says slam poet a...

发布:2014-08-27 | 英语 | 28人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 44% | 时长:01:21 | 沉默 危害 

[生活] 【TED演讲精选集】沉默之害(2)

"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says slam poet a...

发布:2014-08-27 | 英语 | 23人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 61% | 时长:01:45 | 沉默 危害 

[生活] 【TED演讲精选集】沉默之害(1)

"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says slam poet a...

发布:2014-08-27 | 英语 | 58人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 62% | 时长:01:06 | 沉默 危害 

[文化] 【TED演讲精选集】学校如何扼杀你的创造力(3...

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines)...

发布:2014-08-19 | 英语 | 16人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 49% | 时长:01:09 | 创造力 学校 

[文化] 【TED演讲精选集】学校如何扼杀你的创造力(2...

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines)...

发布:2014-08-18 | 英语 | 12人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 53% | 时长:01:30 | 创造力 学校 

[文化] 【TED演讲精选集】学校如何扼杀你的创造力(1...

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines)...

发布:2014-08-11 | 英语 | 38人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 53% | 时长:00:57 | 创造力 学校 

[生活] 【TED演讲精选集】少一点负担,多一些快乐(4...

Writer and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less s...

发布:2014-08-08 | 英语 | 28人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 59% | 时长:01:43 | 杂物 空间 

[生活] 【TED演讲精选集】少一点负担,多一些快乐(3...

Writer and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less s...

发布:2014-08-05 | 英语 | 24人听写 | 4次评论 | 中级 64% | 时长:01:06 | 杂物 空间 

[生活] 【TED演讲精选集】少一点负担,多一些快乐(2...

Writer and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less s...

发布:2014-07-31 | 英语 | 38人听写 | 4次评论 | 中级 62% | 时长:01:39 | 杂物 空间 

[生活] 【TED演讲精选集】少一点负担,多一些快乐(1...

Writer and designer Graham Hill asks: Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? He makes the case for taking up less s...

发布:2014-07-27 | 英语 | 76人听写 | 10次评论 | 中级 63% | 时长:01:16 | 杂物 空间 

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