返回 【猫鼠游戏】S01E07 他逃到地下去了



P: Get to the city planner's office.     1     
G: Burke!
H: Caffrey escaped?
P: Yeah, did a four-story swan dive onto that awning of the bakery. Who approved moving the arraignment?
G: The marshals guaranteed the security of the room.
P: Never assume anything with Neal. You know, I've been working my ass off keeping this kid on the straight and narrow. He's been helping us win cases -- until you came along.
G: Oh, don't put this on me!
H: Hey, hey, gentlemen! Gentlemen! Hey, let's focus on the problem here. What do we know?
P: Did we stop the van?
L: Yeah.     2     He claims he was hired through an anonymous Internet posting. 500 bucks in an envelope to pick up the van and park it at this spot.
P:     3     
L: How'd you know?
P: Caffrey wasn't in there for more than a few seconds.     4     
L: Can we track his anklet?
P: No, they removed it when we arrested him.
H: Okay. Burke, find him -- again.
G: I'm not comfortable with Agent Burke running this operation.
H:     5      Burke knows Caffrey better than anyone. Now, get to work.
G: All right, Burke. What's your plan?
P: Set up roadblocks, put up wanted posters.


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