• 青少年英语三级跳2
  • 本节目内容适合青少年以及英语初学者,更加强调语法大纲的渐进性。整套教材分为三个级别,每个级别分为A、B两册,每册15个单元,每单元两课,其中第二课为复习...
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[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit13.卡兰津人(...

HINTS North America Europe 写完2个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ Take a look at the records of international running events in the l...

发布:2013-04-22 | 英语 | 23人听写 | 3次评论 | 初级 84% | 时长:00:27 | 公共汽车 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit12.伦敦的公共...

HINTS Routemaster 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ The last official Routemaster journey was on Route Number 9, on 15th Februar...

发布:2013-04-21 | 英语 | 25人听写 | 0次评论 | 初级 91% | 时长:00:33 | 公共汽车 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit12.伦敦的公共...

HINTS Routemaster 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ ①______________, but Londoners like to do their own thing. And the Routemas...

发布:2013-04-20 | 英语 | 30人听写 | 1次评论 | 初级 86% | 时长:00:37 | 公共汽车 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit12.伦敦的公共...

HINTS Routemaster 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ The new buses in London are just 'buses' . They aren't 'London buses' . The ...

发布:2013-04-19 | 英语 | 25人听写 | 1次评论 | 初级 81% | 时长:00:34 | 公共汽车 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit11.家家有本难...

HINTS 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ I was here the day before yesterday. ①_________________, and the day after tomorrow... ...

发布:2013-04-18 | 英语 | 37人听写 | 1次评论 | 初级 84% | 时长:00:30 | 难念的经 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit11.家家有本难...

HINTS Washington 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ He was in Paris last week! ①_____________________? No, he was in Washington ...

发布:2013-04-17 | 英语 | 33人听写 | 2次评论 | 初级 84% | 时长:00:30 | 难念的经 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit11.家家有本难...

HINTS Pierre Paris 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ Anna, I want you to call Pierre in Paris. ①_______________. I want to meet...

发布:2013-04-16 | 英语 | 40人听写 | 2次评论 | 初级 81% | 时长:00:31 | 难念的经 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit10.明天再说吧...

HINTS 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ She’s having a really good time. ①_____________? That’s an interesting question! Thi...

发布:2013-04-15 | 英语 | 38人听写 | 3次评论 | 初级 87% | 时长:00:36 | 明天再说 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit10.明天再说吧...

HINTS 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ ①_____________. Nina isn't feeling lonely this evening. She's sitting in a bar in Centr...

发布:2013-04-14 | 英语 | 35人听写 | 1次评论 | 初级 80% | 时长:00:28 | 明天再说 新概念 

[文化] 【新概念英语青少版2】Unit10.明天再说吧...

HINTS 写完3个句子,题号不写,每写完一句就换行^-^ Do you remember Nina? ①_______________. She usually works with Daisy, ②_______________...

发布:2013-04-13 | 英语 | 34人听写 | 1次评论 | 初级 81% | 时长:00:28 | 明天再说 新概念