• 尼基塔
  • Nikita 剧集梗概:本剧讲述的是由Maggie Q出演的尼基塔从小就深陷麻烦。一次,一名来自名叫"部门"的神秘组织的美国特工救她于水火并给了她一次重新做人的机会,...
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[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E02(01)Alex和Ama...

Amanda: I'm sure this is very difficult for you. Alex: I'm getting better. Amanda: Some __(1)__ heal quicker than others. Alex: Something...

发布:2013-04-23 | 英语 | 25人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 51% | 时长:01:10 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E01(03)Alex和Per...

Percy: Right on time. Good to see you. Alex: Wish I could say the same. Percy: I must __(1)__ I'm surprised. I have to be here for the ti...

发布:2013-04-20 | 英语 | 22人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 58% | 时长:01:51 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E01(02)Alex和Ama...

Amanda: Alex, you look lovely. Alex: Thanks. Love what you've done with the place. Amanda: All I've really done is try and bring us back ...

发布:2013-04-18 | 英语 | 22人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 53% | 时长:01:35 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S02E01(01)Nikita和M...

Nikita: How much did we get? Michael: Just enough to __(1)__ our next mission. Barely. And this is what we have left over. Would you like...

发布:2013-04-16 | 英语 | 30人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 59% | 时长:01:17 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S01E22(04)昔日同伴,反目成...

Nikita: If you hadn't tried to kill yourself, right here, right in __(1)__ of me, I would have never told you about Division. Alex: What ...

发布:2013-04-14 | 英语 | 27人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 71% | 时长:01:20 | 尼基塔 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S01E22(03)昔日同伴,反目成...

Alex: I don't want any trouble. Nikita: Should have thought of that before you __(1)__ me. Alex: I was trying to save your life. If I did...

发布:2013-04-13 | 英语 | 31人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 70% | 时长:01:42 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S01E22(02)Nikita被审...

Agent: The weapon __(1)__ inside the heart of the CIA. Three agents shot dead within our home. Now, people are gonna be looking to me for...

发布:2013-04-11 | 英语 | 22人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 53% | 时长:01:14 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S01E22(01)Birkhoff...

Michael: What does Percy want you to tell me now? Birkhoff: I just came to say good – bye. Michael: Good – bye. Birkhoff: Was it worth ...

发布:2013-04-09 | 英语 | 23人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 51% | 时长:01:15 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S01E21(03)Percy的棋局

Alex: Is he dead? Percy: Not yet, but now the clock is __(1)__. It didn't take Nikita long to send him in once she discovered you'd been ...

发布:2013-04-06 | 英语 | 16人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 50% | 时长:01:06 | 尼基塔 美剧 

[娱乐] 【尼基塔】S01E21(02)Birkhoff...

Michael: Birkhoff. Birkhoff: Michael. Dude. Okay, listen to me, man. Just listen. You have to kill Nikita. Michael: Ok. Birkhoff: I mean,...

发布:2013-04-04 | 英语 | 16人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 49% | 时长:01:07 | 尼基塔 美剧 

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