返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(02)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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A: Hey. Busy?
S: Yeah. I was just about to put out a new doormat that said "Go away."
A: Spencer, I know how valuable you are to the team, but there's a hundred-year war going on between you and Mona, and it's a distraction. We need to be thinking of one thing: Winning this title.
S:      1     
A: Look, we can't afford internal tension.      2     
S: Stop quoting Mona.
A: That's Winston Churchill.
S:      3      And you know damn well that without me, you're gonna be annihilated in world history.
A: Think we've got it covered.
S: By whom?
A: By me.
S: Okay. Andrew, you want me to practice? Let's do it. But if I win, you rescind your vote and you put me back on the team.
A: I can't do that.
S: Yes, you can.
A: Spencer, even if I could, how do I know you're not gonna flake on us again?
S: Well, I guess that you don't know that for sure.      4     New rules. For every question that I get wrong, I will take off a piece of clothing.      5    And the match isn't over until one of us is butt naked.
A: You're out of control.
S: Not yet.


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