返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E24(8)A Dangerous Game


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S: Mona came to see me at Radley. And when I found Toby in the woods, she'd planned the whole thing.      1     Like her own Humpty Dumpty.
A: So, Mona made you an offer you couldn't refuse?
S: She told me that Toby was still alive.
E: Toby's alive?
S: And it's true. It's true. He's been working with Mona because he found out about red coat and Mona's the only person who knows who she is.
E: And you've seen him?
S: Yeah. Last night. He's on our side. You guys, he always was.      2      Red coat just wants us all to be together.
A: Why? What's she gonna do to us?
S: I don't know.      3      Okay, whatever it is, we're one step ahead of her, finally, and there are two of us on the inside.
H: And when were you gonna clue us in on your double agent status, Nikita?
S: I'm the one who sent you the picture of me and Ali.      4     Because Mona watches my every move. You've found a way to get to me without her knowing about it.
E: So, instead of red coat waiting for us tomorrow, we'll be waiting for her.
A: And if we're lucky, this will all be over with.
S:      5     


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