返回 【科学60秒】热带雨林坍塌,爬行动物激增


The November 26th issue of the journal Science included a study showing that the extinction of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago allowed ____1____ mammals to get really big. But well before all that happened, another event triggered a different burst of evolutionary activity.
A new study finds that about 300 million years ago, the tropical rainforests along the equator fell apart. The familiar ____2____—global warming.
Present-day Europe and North America were on the equator back then, and were covered with rainforests. But global warming made things even hotter and drier.
The ____3____ rainforests broke up into smaller fragments, and reptile populations became ____4____ from each other in the fragments. Such geographical isolation allows different populations to evolve in different directions, which led to a great increase in reptile diversity. The research appears in the journal Geology.
The explosion in reptiles ultimately led to the evolution of the dinosaurs, which dominated the planet until they ____5____ the massive impact that allowed us mammals to take over. As Vonnegut would say, so it goes.


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