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Companies spend billions on advertising every year. But they're not just pushing products—they're selling their brand's "personality," too. Think: Red Bull. What comes to mind? Most people say things like speed...power...____1____...extreme.

Well, a pair of scientists wanted to see if the energy drink's alleged qualities would influence people's performance in a racecar video game—without ____2____ Red Bull. So they had 70 volunteers race cars with identical specs, but different paint jobs. Four with the logo and colors of a drink—Guinness, Tropicana, Coca-Coca or Red Bull—and one car just plain green.

The drivers clocked similar times with most of the cars. But ____3____ the Red Bull car, they actually drove more aggressively, scoring either incredibly fast race times, or their slowest—by driving ____4____ and crashing. The study appears in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Polled after the game, the players didn't realize the Red Bull image _____5____ influenced their driving. Which suggests marketing doesn't just influence a brand’s personality. It could be shaping our personalities, too, without our even knowing it.


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