返回 【唐顿庄园】SO1E01老夫人与老爷的争执




I gather Murray was here today?
News travels fast. Yes, I saw him, and he's not optimistic that there's anything we can do.
Well,1 ________.
Be that as it may, it's a fact.
But to lose Cora's fortune!
Really, Mama, you know as well as I do that Cora's fortune is not Cora's fortune anymore.
Thanks to Papa it is now part of the estate, and the estate 2________. That is it. That
is all of it.
Robert, dear, I don't mean to sound harsh.
You may not mean to, but I bet you will.
Twenty-four years ago, you married Cora 3________. Give it away now,
what was the point of your peculiar marriage in the first place?
If I were to tell you she's made me very happy, would that stretch belief?
It's not why you chose her above all those other girls who could've filled my shoes so easily.
If you must know, when I think of my motives for pursuing Cora, I'm ashamed. 4________________
Don't you care about Downton?
What do you think? I've given my life to Downton. I was born here, and I hope to die here.I
claim no career beyond the nurture of this house and the estate. It is my third parent and my fourth child. Do I care about it? Yes, I do care!

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