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费斯.贾格德讲述了她成长经历中与两个弟弟发生的那些感人又有趣的故事。两个弟弟都是孤独症患者,但都非凡无比。在这个TED Talent Search的演讲中,她提醒我们人生的意义比成为“正常人”要深远得多。

Faith Jegede
Writer Faith Jegede draws on her experiences growing up with two autistic brothers in order to spread awareness and understanding about this increasingly common diagnosis.

Now I'd like to introduce you to my brothers. Remi is 22, tall and very handsome. He's speechless, but he communicates joy in a way that some of the best orators cannot. Remi knows what love is. He shares it unconditionally and he shares it regardless. He's not greedy. He doesn't see skin color. He doesn't care about religious differences, and get this: He has never told a lie. _______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末加标点)_________He reminds me of one thing: how little we know about the mind, and how wonderful the unknown must be.

Samuel is 16. He's tall. He's very handsome. He has the most impeccable memory. He has a selective one, though. He doesn't remember if he stole my chocolate bar, but he remembers the year of release for every song on my iPod, conversations we had when he was four, weeing on my arm on the first ever episode of Teletubbies, and Lady Gaga's birthday.


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