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Wade Davis
A National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, he has been described as “a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet and passionate defender of all of life’s diversity.”


_______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末加标点)_________ You've heard so much about the developments of the tar sands, the controversy about the Keystone and the Enbridge pipelines, but these are just elements of a tsunami of industrial development that is sweeping across all of the wild country of northern Canada. In Tahltan territory alone, there are 41 major industrial proposals, some with great promise, some of great concern. On Todagin Mountain, revered by the Tahltan people as a wildlife sanctuary in the sky, home to the largest population of stone sheep on the planet, Imperial Metals -- but the 75th-biggest mining company in all of Canada -- has secured permits to establish an open-pit copper and gold mine which will process 30,000 tons of rock a day for 30 years, generating hundreds of millions of tons of toxic waste that, by the project's design, will simply be dumped into the lakes of the Sacred Headwaters. At the Headwaters itself, Shell Canada has plans to extract methane gas from coal seams that underly a million acres, fracking the coal with hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic chemicals, establishing perhaps as many as 6,000 wellheads, and eventually a network of roads and pipelines and flaring wellheads, all to generate methane gas that most likely will go east to fuel the expansion of the tar sands.


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