返回 【经济学人】全球自杀率排行榜:领跑的圭亚那






Guyana tends to do disappointingly, but not disastrously in global rankings. Yet[/But] when it comes to suicide, Guyana is at the worst extreme. A World Health Oraganisation (WHO) report published this month gives Guyana an age-standardisation suicide rate of 44.2 per 100,000 inhabitants. That compares with a world average of 11.4 does [very] badly too. It ranks[lies] third after North and South Korea [for] both sexes, [and] second after Lithuania [for] male suicides.

关于自杀的数据是臭名昭著地不可靠。 出于宗教和文化原因,许多(自杀)没有登记在案。但是圭亚那显然有一个大问题。各地的男人比女人更困难杀死自己,但是圭亚那的比率则严重倾向于男性。许多人喝除草剂,一种特别痛苦又拖久的死亡。大部分(人)居住在农村地区,是中年或老年,尽管媒体报告大多是青少年自杀。

Statistics on suicide are notoriously unreliable. For religious and cultural reasons, many go unrecorded. But Guyana obviously[/clearly] has a big problem. Men everywhere are more likely to kill themselves than women [are], but [the ratios in] Guyana/'s suicide rate/ [are] heavily skewed towards males. Many drink weedkiller, a very[/particularly] distressing and protracted death. Most live in the rural area and [are] middled-aged [or] elderly, despite heavy media coverage of teenage suicides.

这个月发表的发现来自一份研究基于Serena Coultress所做的深度采访。她谈及男人之中的无助和沮丧,没办法满足他们被期待的角色——作为提供者,以及转向家庭暴力,酒精滥用以及有时候——自杀。化学也有扮演一个角色。圭亚那农业工人和农夫们可能过度使用有机磷酸酯类除草要(organophosphate herbicides)和杀虫剂,国际研究显示它能导致冲动的自杀行为。

[this month released] /The/ findings /released/ [for a study] based on /an/ in-depth interview[s] by Serena Coultress. She talks of hopelessness and frustration among men who are unable to fulfil their expected roles as [a] provider and who turn to domestic violence, alcohol abuse and sometimes, suicide. Chemistry has a role to play, too. Guyanese agricultural workers and farmers may be overusing organophosphate herbicides [and insecticides], which international studies suggest /it/ can lead to impulsive suicidal behaviour/s/.


Guyana's suicide rate has fallen by 8.5% since 2000, but much more /still/ needs to be done. Training workshops have been held to help identify people at risk, but there [has been] very [little] follow-up activity. There is no functioning telephone helpline for people in distress. Attempted suicide is a criminal offence in Guyana. The law is rarely used, but its existence help[s] /to a/ set a pattern of [stigma[ that the country can ill afford.


tend to do disappointingly/but not disastrously/do very badly

in global rankings/e at the worst extreme

when it comes to...

suicide/kill themselves/drink weedkiller

an age-standardised suicide rate of/a world average of

ranks/lies third after/and second

for both sexes/for male suicides


suicide rate/ratios


unreliable/For religious and cultural reasons, many go unrecorded

clearly/obviously has a big problem

Men everywhere are more likely to kill themselves than women are/ratios in Guyana are heavily skewed towards males

drink weedkiller/a particularly distressing and protracted death

middle-aged or elderly/teenage suicides

despite heavy media coverage of


based on in-depth interviews by

talk of hopelessness and frustration among men

be unable to fulfil their expected role as a provider

turn to domestic violence, alcohol abuse and sometimes, suicide

chemistry has a role to play too/overusing organophosphate herbicides and insecticides/international studies suggest can lead to impulsive suicidal behaviour

rate has fallen by 8.5% since 2000

much more needs to be done

training workshops have been held/help identify

people at risk/in distress

there has been little follow-up activity/no functioning telephone helpline

attempted suicide/a criminal offence/the law is rarely used

its existence helps set a pattern of stigma /the country can ill afford
