返回 【经济学人】苹果公司前景展望:勉为其难的革新





苹果引以为豪的地方是持续不断地重新设想未来,但是就连世界上领先的设备制造商也喜欢沉湎于过去。30年前斯蒂夫乔布斯统领了舞台,在库比蒂诺(Cupertino 加州)苹果总部附近的弗林特艺术表现中心,展现了最新的苹果(麦金塔Macintosh)电脑。9月9日,乔布斯的继任者蒂姆库克,在同一个地点举办了类似的表演,赢得了雷鸣的掌声。那些受邀者得到一个机会来试玩台上展示的新设备:两台新苹果手机和一部可穿戴设备,名为苹果手表。这是苹果故事的下一章,他说,听起来非常像1984年的年轻乔布斯。

Apple prides itself on constantly re-imagining the future, but even the world's leading gadget-maker likes to dwell on the past too. 30 years ago, Steve Jobs commanded the stage at the Flint Centre for [the] Perform[ing] Arts near Apple's headquarters in Cupertino [to] show/ing/ off the latest[/new] Macintosh computer. On September 9th, Mr Jobs's successor, /Mr/ Tim Cook, held a similar performance [in] the same location [to] thunderous applause. Those invited were given a chance to play [with] the new gadgets presented on stage: two new iPhones and a wearable device called the Apple Watch. This is the next chapter [in] Apple's story, he said, sounding very much like [the] young Mr Jobs in 1984.


That may well be real[true], but not for the reasons most people might think. Consumers, analysts and investors have been howling for proof that Apple can still do the magic trick of the Jobs era. iPad sales have weakened in recent quarters, and [the] iPhones /which/, launched a tech [a]eon ago in 2007 still generates [more than] half of the firm's revenues. Yet lost in the maelstrom of snazzy new gadgets, applause and photos [was] an important shift. This week's announcement showed that Apple's future will be less about hardware and more about its ecosystem, a combination of software, services, data and a plethora of partners.


As with Apple's existing products, much effort [went] into the watch's design. Its backplate contains sensors [that] measure [the] users' vital sign[s] [and] people can send their heartbeat to other watch wearer as a new sort of expressive message. But starting at $349 and only us/e/able [in] conjunction with an iPhone, it [look] unlikely to be a serious competitor [to] other expensive watches.


Three years after [Mr] Jobs['s death] /died/, Apple seems ready to go further, hoping to attract[/entice] other firms to contribute to its ecosystem and make it more attractive.


pride oneself on doing sth

re-imagining the future

Apple/the world's leading gadget-maker

dwell on the past

Steve Jobs's successor/Tim Cook

command the stage/held a similar performance

at the Flint Centre for the Performing Arts near Apple's headquarters in Cupertino/in the same location

to thunderous applause/ lost in the maelstrom of snazzy new gadgets, applause and photos

those invited/given a chance to/presented on stage play with...


a wearable device/called the Apple Watch/


the next chapter in Apple's story

may well be true/not for the reason

Consumers, analysts and investors

howl for proof that...

can still do the magic tricks of the Jobs era

Jobs era/a tech aeon ago in 2007

iPad sales have weakened

iPhone still generates more than half of the firm's revenues


an important shift/future will be less about hardware and more about its ecosystem

a combination of software, services, data and a plethora of partners/contribute to its ecosystem

combination/in conjunction to/partners

much effort went into...

backplate contains sensors/ measure the user's vital signs/heartbeat/ a new sort of expressive message


a serious competitor to....
