返回 【经济学人】全球同性恋群体的权益:喜忧参半






In the 1950s, gay sex [was] illegal /in/ nearly everywhere. All around the world, gay people lived /in/ furtive[ly] and in fear. The leap forward [has been] startlingly quick. Today gay sex is legal in at least 113 countries. In most of the West, it is no longer socially acceptable to be homophobic. China's gay life is now both legal and in cities, undisguised. Latin America is even more gay friendly. 74% of Argentines and 60% of Brazilians believe [that] society should accept homosexuality. South Africa's constitution is remarkably pro-gay.


Yet there are some parts of the world where it is unsafe[not safe] to be gay[/homosexual]. Extra-judicial beatings and murders are depressingly common in most[/much] of Africa and [in] some Muslim countries. Persecution has intensified in some countries. Chad is poised to ban gay sex. Nigeria and Uganda have passed draconian anti-gay laws. Russia and a few other countries have barred the promotion of homosexuality.


Nonetheless, there are reasons to be optimistic, at least in the long term. Urbanisation helps. It is easier to find a niche in a big, anonymous city than in a village where everyone knows our business. Gay life in [the] Indian countryside is still awful, but [it is] much easier in Mumbai or Delhi, despite [being] illegal. Emerging countries in Asia and Latin American have generally become[/grown] kinder to gay people as they have grown richer, more open and more democratic. Although religion is a barrier [to] tolerance. The more poise a society is, by and large, the less [enthusiastic] it is [about] gay rights. The prime movers will be gay people themselves。 The more visible they are, the more normal they [will] seem. These days, 75% of Americans say they have gay friends or colleagues, up from only 24% in 1985.
