返回 【经济学人】金钱能买来幸福:幸福感与收入水平关系的调查






Poets, songwriters and left-wing politicians /all/ hate the idea, but for decades, opinion-poll evidence has been clear, money buys happiness, the richer you are, the more likely you are to express your satisfaction with your life. Until now. A survey [of] 43 countries published [on] October 30th by the Pew Research Centre [of] Washington, DC, shows that people in emerging markets are [within] a whisker of expressing the same level of satisfaction as people in rich countries. This[/It] is the biggest quantification [to the] standard view [of] happiness and income seen so far.


The Pew poll ask[s] respondents to measure, [on] a scale [from] zero to ten, how good their lives are. Those [who] say between seven and ten are counted as happy. In 2007, 57% of respondents in rich countries put themselves [in] the top four tiers, in emerging markets, the share was 33%, only 16% in poor countries.


But in 2014, 54% of [rich countries] respondents counted themselves as happy, yet[/whereas] in emerging markets the percentage jumped to 51%. This was happening [just] at a time when the chances of emerging markets converging economically with the west seemed to be receding. Poor countries still lag behind, /with/ only 1/4 of the people there are in the happy tiers, half of the levels of the other two groups. There is also a clear link between happiness and income growth, rather than[/as opposed to] income level[s]. China's GDP rose [at] an annual average rate of 10% in 2007-14, and its happiness level rose /by/ 26%.


Within countries, [richer] people /in richer countries have/ [express] [more] satisfaction than their poor neighbours. Richer folks with more goods express[ed] higher levels of happiness. So at a person, rather than[/as opposed to] national, level, money does buy happiness.


Poets, songwriters and left-wing politicians

opinion-poll evidence/Pew poll

money buys happiness

richer/more satisfaction

express satisfaction /higher levels of happiness

rich countries/emerging markets/poor countries/poorer neighbours

within a whisker of

the same level

the biggest qualification to the standard view of happiness and income

respondents/43 countries

measure on a scale from zero to ten,

between seven and ten/ in the top four tiers/counted as happy

jumped to/rose

chances of converging economically/be receding

lag behind

a clear link between happiness and income growth

as opposed to/rather than/instead of

GDP rose at an annual average rate of 10%
