返回 【经济学人】遗传决定论:影响暴力行为的基因研究






One of the scientific subject [best] guaranteed to get people hot under the collar is /the/ genetic determinism, in particularly[/especially] if what is alleged being determined is behavioural. Studies [of] adopted children [and] especially[/particularly] [of] twins adopted at birth by different set of parents suggest that some behaviour traits are indeed inherited. Geneticists, though, have had difficulty identifying /the/ specific genes. That is why a new study[/piece of reearch] on one of the few genes [for which] such evidence exists may[/is likely to] get considerable scrutiny and cause much controversy.


The first two genes are called MAOA and HTR2B. [The behavioural] They /are/ alleged[ly] /to make people/ predisposed [people to] [is] aggressi[on]. The latest data c[o]me from /Finland's/ convicted criminals [in Finland]. Dr Tiihonen and his colleagues divided their convict volunteers into [those who had] never /have/ [committed] [a crime of] violen[ce], defined as homicides, attempted homicide and battery, and those who had. They then subdivided the second category into [the] moderately violent and [the] extremely violent.


The researchers found[/discovered] that non-violent prisoners were not more likely than [the] average Finn to have [a] low-activity MAOA gene/s/. But those violent ones were. And the extremely violent ones [were] a lot more likely to. The result [does indeed] suggest/s/ that low-activity alleles of MAOA [can have an] affect [on] the development of violent tendencies. By contrast, the suspect version of HTR2B [was as] common/ly found/ in non-violent [as in] violent prion[er]s, and [also as in] the /general/ population at large.


The [net] effect of Dr Tiihonen's work, [then,] is to confirm [the idea] that one particular gene[']s alleles can /have an effect on/ [affect] violent behaviours. But the crucial problem[/question] is, [what is meant by] /the meaning of/ the word [a]ffect. /For example/ [something like] half the popular [has] [a] low-activity MAOA alleles and obviously the overwhelming majority of them are not violent criminals. But what Dr Tiihonen and his team have done is [provide] [a] third data point for the hypothesis that low-activity MAOA can, in the right circumstance[s], trigger violence. Th[is] [does] not prove the hypothesis. But it should make people take it more seriously.


scientific subjects

best guaranteed to

get people hot under the collar

genetic determinism/being determined is behavioural


adopted children/twins adopted at birth by different sets of parents

studies/a new piece of research on

behaviour/behavioural traits


had difficulty identifying specific genes.

for which such evidence exists

get considerable scrutiny and cause much controversy

MAOA / HTR2B/genes/alleles

predispose to aggression

convicted criminals/convict volunteers

never committed a crime of violence, defined as homicide, attempted homicide and battery, and those who had


moderately violent, and the extremely violent.

Finland/average Finn

low-activity MAOA

have an effect on the /net effect


as common in non-violent as in violent prisoners,

half the population /overwhelming majority /in the population at large.

a third data point

does not prove the hypothesis
