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On January 6th, hordes will converge [on] a vast conference centre in Las Vegas for the start of the International Consumer Electronics Show. [At] th[e] annual shindig, tech firms will show off their latest and greatest gizmos, from smart cars to smartphones to fancy TVs. The gadgets will provoke plenty of emotions among the 160,000 or so visitors. But the devices themselves cannot[/won't be able to] tell what these[/those] people are feeling.


Beyond Verbal would like the change that. The Israeli startup is one of several firms working in the field of "emotions analytics". Its software is designed to deduce someone's emotional state based on[/from] a brief voice sample [of his voice] captured by /a/ microphone. Rather than focusing on the word used, the software analyses such things as the loudness and pitch of the speech, and then run the result[s] through an algorithm to match [them with] patterns [from] its database.


Beyond Verbal has gathered hundreds and thousands of voice samples in more than 40 languages, and has developed a smartphone app, Moodies, [that lets] people /to/ try [its] technology. But so far, it and other companies in the field, such as Nemesysco, have focused their commercial efforts on narrow areas such as market research and security, instead of[/rather than] mass market consumer electronics.

Yuval Mor是超越语音的首席执行人,他认为情感分析学软件可能大展拳脚的东西是诸如电话、健身设备和汽车。例如,一辆能感知司机处于提高情感状态的车,可能是因为他之前一直在喝酒,可能会在他动身上路之前就闪现一则警告。

Yuval Mor, the chief executive of Beyond Verbal, thinks [that] emotional-analytics software can[/could] be useful in things such as phones, fitness gadgets and cars. For instance, a car[/vehicle] that senses a driver is in a heightened [emotional] state, maybe[/perhaps] [because] he has been drinking, may[/could] flash [up] a warning before he takes to the road.


There are a couple of snags [with] all this. Some experts in the voice-recognition field are sceptical that the technology touted are reliable enough [for] mass deployment. /And/ then there is the thorn issue of privacy. People are bound to be repelled by the prospect of companies and devices tracing their emotions.


hordes/160,000 or so visitors


on a vast conference centre

the International Consumer Electronics Show/the annual shindig

tech firms/technology/startup


latest and greatest


provoke plenty of emotions

be able to tell what those people are feeling/deduce someone's emotional state/emotions analytics/voice-recognition field

brief sample of his voice/voice sample/ the loudness and pitch of the speech

runs the results through an algorithm/match them with patterns

database/hundreds of thousands of voice samples in more than 40 languages

a smartphone app, Moodies

focus on..., rather than

commercial efforts/market research and security /x mass-market consumer electronics

cars/vehicle/driver/takes to the road

in a heightened emotional state/drinking

flash up a warning/

a couple of snags/sceptical x reliable enough /the thorny issue of privacy

bound to...

be repelled by

privacy/companies and devices tracking their emotions
