返回 【经济学人】打击非法捕捞:法网恢恢






The scale of illegal and unreported fishing is, for obvious reasons, difficult to estimate. The Pew Charitable Trusts, an American research group, has nevertheless [had] a stab at it. It reckons that [around] one in five fish sold in restaurants or shops has been caught out[side] [the] law. That may amount/s/ [to] 26 billion tonnes [of them] a[/every] year, worth more than $23 billion. This illegal trade, though not the only reason[/cause] of overfishing, is an important one. Stamping it out would help those countries whose resources are being stolen. It would also help [to] [con]serve fish stock[s], some of which are threatened with extinction. It might [even] slow down the journey [towards] a wider extinction crisis in the oceans.

新的监控系统研发者是卫星应用弹射器( Catapult),一个由英国政府支持的创新中心,基于哈维尔(Harwell),靠近牛津,和皮尤合作。本质上,它是一个大数据项目,从世界各地运营中的成千上万的渔船中收集并交叉核对信息。在其核心是它的研发者称之为一个虚拟观察室的东西,它就像一个太空任务的控制中心。一面巨大的视频墙壁展示了一副世界地图,显示出成群的亮点,每一个点代表一艘渔船。

The new monitoring system has been developed by [the] Satellite Applications Catapult, a British government-backed innovation centre based [at] Harwell near Oxford, in collaboration with Pew. In essence, it is a big-data project, pulling together and cross-checking information [on] tens of thousands of fishing boats operating all over[/around] the world. At its heart is what its developers call a virtual watch room, [which] like[/resembles] the control centre [for] a space mission. A big[/giant] video wall displays a world map[/a map of the world], showing clusters of lighted dots, each /one of them/ represent[ing] a fishing boat.


[The] Data used to draw this map come from various sources, the most important of which [are] [ships'] Automatic Identif[iction] System[s], or AIS. These are like transponders carried by aircraft. They broadcast a vessel's identity, location and other information to nearby vessels[/ships] [and] coastal stations and [also] to satellites. An AIS is mandatory for [all] commercial vessels, fishing boats included, with a gross tonnage of over[/more than] 300. These[/Such] vessels[/boats] are also required, in many cases, to carry a second device known as [a] VMS, vessels monitoring system. This transmits similar data directly to the authorities [who control] the waters [in which] the boat[/vessel] is fishing.


illegal and unreported/outside the law


for obvious reasons

difficult to estimate/have a stab at it

amount to/worth more than


stamp... out


are threatened with extinction/ journey towards a wider extinction crisis


in collaboration with

In essence/at its heart



a control centre for a space mission


clusters of lighted dots

automatic identification systems, or AIS/transponders


identity, position and other information

is mandatory for

with a gross tonnage of more than 300

VMS, vessel monitoring system


authorities who control the waters
